There a still a few places left on the Forest School training course in Galway, well worth doing if you're interested in getting kids out into nature again and if you're inner kid is dying to go an play in the woods!
Forest School Leadership Training Galway website
Forest School Leadership Training - Galway - facebook page.
Final session at the Kilcock Men's Shed today...I think the lads have done an amazing job - here are a few snapshots of the project and a before and after shot, it's quite a transformation!
Teaching a little foraging, sensory awareness, animal names, sneaking and fox walking at my Forest Schools workshop as part of The Festival of Outdoor Learning at Kippure Estate at the weekend, great weekend, so many amazing people working in the outdoors with young people!
It's all about the willow this week - a gorgeous willow dome built by the 6th class of Rathfarnham Educate Together NS on Monday, willow fence at Ashgrove Community Garden on Tuesday and Willow archway at Kilcock Men's shed today!